
Life’s a beach

According to Wikipedia, the number of Greek islands is estimated to be somewhere around 1200 to 6000, depending on the minimum size to take into account. The number of inhabited islands is variously cited as between 166 and 227. And we had 3 and a half weeks – how were we supposed to choose one island to visit after leaving Crete?!!

We agonised over the decision for days, laying down various conditions in an attempt to narrow down the list. “Must have amazing beaches”, “Must be in a reasonably direct line between Crete & Athens”, “Must have a relaxed, chilled out vibe”…..

At last, late one evening, in an attempt to just get on with it more than anything else, we settled on the island of Milos. As luck would have it, ferry tickets were cheap, accommodation readily available & with an area of just 150 square kilometres, this little island had 70 beaches!! Of which we managed to swim at no less than 18 of them.

Words do a lousy job, and not even the photos can capture just how amazing this island is. While standing on the deck of the ferry as we sailed away from Milos, Kendall & I both agreed that we had just had the best 6 days of our lives.

This entry was published on August 1, 2013 at 11:57 am and is filed under Communicados, Greece. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

One thought on “Life’s a beach

  1. Stacey Z on said:

    Beautiful 🙂

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