
Scottish reflections

It’s really hard to get back into the Scottish mindset, as I sit writing this from the table in our campsite in Crete. The temperatures have been in the mid to high thirties all week, & we’ve been spending most of our time barefoot clad only in bathers – lounging by the pool, swimming in the ocean or paddling beneath ancient Phoenician ruins.

Too quickly holiday memories are replaced by the next thing – whether it’s going back to a daily grind of sorts or another leg of holiday journey.

However, it takes just a few moments perusing the photos of the 3 weeks we spent in Scotland to bring back vividly some of the amazing experiences we shared together. The western half of the country, including the Isles, is magical – often people say they don’t quite know what it is about Scotland, there is just “something” about it, a majesty, a wildness, a sombre serenity of ages, that leaves a deep impression on you.

There were (literally) hundreds of photos taken between the 5 of us but with an effort, here is a selection of some of the most beautiful places, the most candid shots, & the warmest memories.

This entry was published on June 14, 2013 at 12:55 pm and is filed under Communicados, Scotland. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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