
Venice – The city of……….

Venice has a very romantic 'peeled paint' aesthetic.

Venice has a very romantic ‘peeled paint’ aesthetic.

In a sheer and incredible stroke of serendipity my Auntie and Uncle had spent New Year’s in Venice and had kindly invited us to stay for a couple of days between the end of our house sitting job and their return to Australia. Unfortunately a dream house sitting job in London popped up and with Kate being the more diplomatic and least scary looking of the two of us it was decided that she would fly over to London for the interview, leaving me to eat all the food in the fridge and then head off to the city of canals/bridges/light/love/art.

I had already booked my ticket out of the country so in stark contrast to our lazy absorption of Florence, this time I had 36 hours to squeeze as much out of Venice as I could. Still keen to get an idea for what Venice was about, rather than what you could see in Venice, a day and a half was spent walking the narrow streets, eating Cicchetti (Italian Tapas), drinking café machiattos, cruising the canals on the vaporetto (waterbus) and getting lost – lots. In fact by the end of my first day the three of us had visited all the major neighbourhoods of Venice bar one, and entirely by foot.

What did I get from this sailing visit? Venice is an amazing and surreal place. It is a beautiful city and full of exciting things to do and see, enough to warrant a return visit for sure. When, you say? I don’t know – that is for our spontaneous futures to decide for us.

This entry was published on January 10, 2013 at 12:54 pm and is filed under Communicados, Italy. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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