
Stretching the neck!

We are off and racing! As was phrophesied some weeks ago we took it down to the line (Black Caviar Royal Ascot style) – at 7pm the bags were opened and ready to devour the substantial contents that are to be our mobile material life for the next chapter of our lives – for our 8 o’clock departure!

Having completed the final paperwork for our house purchase – HOORAH! – at 2pm

yesterday afternoon it was a mental afternoon that has been thankfully replaced by a calm that only an impending holiday involving yoga, reading, snorkelling and dining can bring.

Right now we are killing time at KL airport before our connecting flight to Denpasar, here you can see a photo of the beautiful waterfall in the airport, I was tempted to pull out the tripod and get my Steve Parish on but decided to save my card space and google it instead……

Thankyou to all who sent well wishes during our final days in Austraya. Gotta go, there is Satay to be consumed.

This entry was published on September 27, 2012 at 10:23 am and is filed under Communicados. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

2 thoughts on “Stretching the neck!

  1. Rocketsia on said:

    Hey ho travellers. The littleredtreefrog is a little pearler! All airports should be like Kl. Happy travelling from here on and forever.

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